Guest Articles
Listed below are valuable resources from professionals.
Wolfelt Responds to The Truth About Grief A new face has appeared in an old debate. The new face: Ruth Davis Konigsberg, author of the recently published book The Truth About Grief. The old debate: the art of caring for people in grief versus the supposed science of bereavement.
Mesothelioma While everyone grieves differently, all emotions after a diagnosis are natural and are sometimes necessary in order to help the grieving process move along.
Making Special Unfortunately, some have missed the opportunity to do appropriate rituals immediately after the loss. In a sense, however, it is never too late to ritual a loss
Talking to Children About Terrorism Children’s reactions to terrorism, war, anthrax, and the perceived loss of safety and protection provide a window into their psyches
Spiritual Dilemmas Grief is a profoundly spiritual experience, however experienced and expressed by that person
After Joe Died Nothing that had happened in my life prepared me for dealing with Joe’s death.
Alzheimer’s – Grief Misunderstood Marianne Caldwell’s mother was afflicted with Alzheimer’s disease when she wandered away from her home in 1991-never to be seen again. Marianne tells her story about grieving twice. Once after losing the vibrant woman she knew as her mother; and secondly, in death. Marianne faced an even more difficult time when her mother’s body could not be found.
Time and the River An amazing story about a boy, age 11, who placed a message in a bottle and put It in the river. The bottle was retrieved 25 years later after the young man’s death. It revealed a unique message of love.